Yaakov ariel biography of michael
See full list on religion.unc.edu.
Brantley Gasaway
I am pleased to publish this interview with Yaakov Ariel, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, concerning his new book released just this week: An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews (NYU Press).
Yaakov ariel biography of michael
Yaakov is the author of numerous articles on a wide range of topics regarding Judaism in America and beyond, Jewish-Christian relations, and evangelical Christianity and its attitudes towards the Jewish people and the Holy Land.
His previous book, Evangelizing the Chosen People: Missions to the Jews in America, 1880-2000, was awarded the Albert C. Outler Prize by the American Society of Church History.
In addition to his outstanding scholarship, Yaakov is also an acclaimed teacher and outstanding graduate advisor.
I was fortunate to have him as my mentor and dissertation director while at UNC--and thus I am especially pleased to highlight his new book.
1. What led you to write An Unusual Relati