Shamil basayev biography of michael jordan

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    Shamil basayev biography of michael jordan basketball player

    Basayev: From Rebel to Vicious Extremist

    Shamil Basayev did not look like a man responsible for horrific atrocities. He was soft-spoken, and with his domed forehead, bushy beard and long Russian phrases, could have been mistaken for a Moscow intellectual.

    But if he was not frightening close up, few men have managed to terrify so many people across so wide an area.

    Basayev played on his reputation and treated the long vain attempts of the Kremlin to catch him as a kind of game.

    Shamil basayev biography of michael jordan

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  • In rare interviews over the last few years, he suggested he enjoyed being labelled a dangerous terrorist and, in the last four years of his bloody career when he planned the hideous operations to seize the Dubrovka Theatre in Moscow and School No.

    1 in Beslan, he lived up to the reputation. He not only planned the detail of the operations, he designed them to create maximum publicity and to cause the greatest possible humiliation for his enemies in the Kremlin.

    It is misleading to label Basayev as an