Abylai khan biography

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    Abylay Khan (Abilmansur)

    8 January 2015

    ABYLAY, Abilmansur (1711 (in Russian sources — 1713) — 23.05.1781) was an outstanding statesman, military commander and diplomat.

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    He was a descendant of Zhangir Khan in the fifth generation.

    Abylay grew brave, sharp and smart. From the early years he experienced difficulties. During the period named "Aktaban Shubyryndy" ("The Years of Great Disaster") he became an orphan and found shelter in house of Tole bi.

    The boy was responsible for grazing Tole bi’s camels.

    According to Bukhar Zhyrau, Umbetey Zhyrau and others, Abylay became famous warrior in his youth.

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  • In battles with Dzungars, which took place in 1730-1740, Abylay earned the glory of batyr (warrior) through his destructive victories over Dzungar invaders. In one of the battles Abylay killed Sharysh, the son (in some sources — son-in-law) of Dzungar Khong Tayiji Galdan Tseren.

    After this victorious fight Abylay became Sultan of the Middle Zhuz. All people called him Abylay after hi