Kenneth p czech biography template
Kenneth p czech biography template printable.
I've taught history in secondary schools and higher education, but my passion has turned to writing historical fiction.
Kenneth p czech biography template
Yes, I love doing the research, but I really enjoy creating characters and scenarios based on the personalities and experiences taken from history. Here's what reviewers said about my first novel set in Victorian era Africa: Reviews of BEYOND THE RIVER OF SHAME: "Fans of ...
the Victorian era will find the book a gem." -- HISTORICAL NOVELS REVIEW "I read it in one sitting and recommend in highly!" -- Ross, Seyfried, THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL "It's a rollicking read ..." -- Dr.
Jim Casada, SPORTING CLASSICS MAGAZINE Here's a snippet from my second historical novel LAST DANCE IN KABUL (published by Fireship Press): When his superiors ignore his warnings of an impending Afghan insurrection in 1841, Reeve Waterton vows never to return to Kabul.
Let the British army of occupation stew in its gruel! But then the ex-army capt