Actor siddharth venugopal wife swap stockdale/tonkovic

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    Actor siddharth venugopal wife swap stockdale/tonkovic

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  • Investigators working on a crime scene. Image by Raphi D from Pixabay

    10 Things To Know About The Wife Swap Murders

    On 15th June 2017, the Stockdale family was hit by a major shock as their 25-year-old son, Jacob Stockdale shot and killed his mother and brother.

    The name Wife Swap Murders came up from the involvement of the Stockdale family in a famous TV show, the Wife Swap.

    On 23rd April 2008, the episode of Wife Swap was aired on ABC which involved the Stockdale and Tonkovic families.

    The Stockdale family was from Ohio, while the Tonkovic family was from Illinois.

    The theme of the Wife Swap show was to show how these two families had different philosophies about life and how to bring up their children.

    According to the show, the Tonkovic family (Laurie, her husband John, and children T-Vic and Meghan) were easygoing and laid back.

    However, the Stockdale family (Kathy, her husband Timothy, and their sons Calvin, Charles, Jacob, and James) was a different family from the